Why the world is turning to oil: A look at the second industrial revolution

In the 1980s, the United States and its allies launched a massive industrial-scale production program that would ultimately become known as the “New Deal.”

As part of the new era of energy production, the US had invested heavily in oil and gas, a significant source of energy, and an important source of income for the nation.

But as the decades passed, the economy of the United Kingdom began to shrink.

The oil industry had become a key component of the economy, with the UK’s population shrinking by more than 40 percent in the 20th century, according to the National Institute for Economic and Social Research (NIESR).

The UK’s economic situation was worsened by the decline of the industrial revolution in the 1920s and 1930s, which ushered in a boom in the production of raw materials.

The boom in industry and the resulting economic boom drove up wages and incomes, and increased the purchasing power of the working class.

But for a generation, the boom in energy production and the subsequent boom in manufacturing jobs has led to a significant decline in employment.

In the United Nations’ economic projections for 2030, the percentage of working-age people in the United Arab Emirates who are employed in the oil and chemical industry has been halved to less than 10 percent.

And by 2050, the rate of job losses is projected to reach a quarter of those of the 1980, according a study by the United Nation’s Economic and Development Organization (UNEP).

The US is a different story.

The U.S. economy has experienced significant job growth in recent decades, and this growth has brought the national unemployment rate below 6 percent for the first time in nearly a century.

But since 2000, the unemployment rate has risen to nearly 15 percent, the highest rate of any major industrialized nation.

In 2017, the U. S. economy added just over 3 million jobs, and nearly half of them were in the manufacturing sector, according the Economic Policy Institute.

Meanwhile, the economic growth of China has not been as impressive.

The country has experienced a dramatic increase in GDP and job growth, but the Us economy has not kept pace.

In a recent article, I described how the industrial renaissance has created a new class of American workers, whose wages are stagnant and their jobs are no longer secure.

In recent decades the United Sates has witnessed a steady stream of job cuts, and many Americans have lost their jobs in the process.

This is not the case in the UAE, where the oil industry has grown in the past two decades.

In the United states, many people feel a sense of loss when they see the devastation caused by the industrial boom, and when they hear about the devastating effects of climate change.

Yet the industrial-driven industrial revolution has created millions of jobs and lifted millions out of poverty.

In my article, “Oil: Why it Matters,” I spoke with several industry leaders in the US. and the United KSA about the importance of the oil boom, as well as the effects that the industrial resurgence is having on the future of the world.

What does the second Industrial Revolution mean for the economy?

As oil is now the dominant form of energy in the world, the energy industry has emerged as a major economic force that is reshaping the world economy.

According to the World Bank, the oil sector is responsible for more than half of the annual economic growth in the industrial nations of the West.

The United States alone accounts for about one-third of this growth.

As a result, the industry has seen the most rapid growth of any economic sector, and its impact on the economy has been significant.

For example, the increase in oil production has resulted in the doubling of GDP per capita over the past 15 years.

And the industrial economy has had a profound effect on the world’s population, as its workers have seen a significant reduction in unemployment and poverty rates.

What are the consequences of the second wave of the economic revolution?

The second industrial renaissance was a time of great opportunity for workers in the developed world.

Oil, which was formerly considered a dirty fuel, was now seen as a highly-valued commodity that could be traded for anything.

As the oil price increased, so did the demand for goods and services in the developing world.

The economic boom of the 1970s and 1980s saw many companies start producing in developing countries.

The first wave of industrialisation was accompanied by an economic boom in China.

By the late 1990s, Chinese firms had become the largest producers of goods in the industrialized world.

However, by 2000, China was still one of the biggest exporters of goods and commodities in the Western world, according in the NIESR.

China has continued to increase its industrial output, and in the 2000s the number of factories in China tripled.

In 2016, the number was nearly 7 million.

As oil production continues to increase, the demand from the developing countries has also increased.

In fact, China has now surpassed