Why we’re obsessed with ‘gig economy’ tech companies

The “gig” economy is growing.

The gig economy is an industry in which an individual or group of individuals work to provide services or services to another individual or company.

This can be a small business or a corporation, or even a small company with a few employees.

It is a sector that is growing in importance in the modern era.

While it’s important to be aware of the trends and risks, the key point is that it’s growing.

The gig economy has grown in importance over the past two decades and, in many cases, the growth has been fueled by a number of factors.

The number of gig economy jobs has been on the rise.

Demand for those jobs has increased as the internet, and more specifically the internet of things, has become ubiquitous.

Demand has also increased for people who work in this sector, but the growth in the gig economy and the resulting job opportunities have led to a number and growing number of people who are working in this space.

There is also an emerging trend of the gig worker, or gig economy worker.

In the past few years, the term gig worker has become a popular one, being used by both business and individuals to describe people who, by the time they reach the age of 26, will be working in a variety of industries.

This is a trend that is well-documented.

This type of worker tends to work in a wide range of industries, including software development, construction, manufacturing, and the like.

They tend to be young, with a bachelor’s degree, or higher, and they are highly educated, having graduated from college, or have a high school diploma or equivalent.

They are also usually self-employed.

They work in high-skilled jobs, and many of these jobs require a degree or a professional certification.

In addition to the gig workers, there are also new types of workers that are taking advantage of this boom.

They may be small business owners or entrepreneurs, but they also tend to work at smaller and more casual jobs.

The growth of these types of gig workers has been a major driver of the growth of the “gigs” industry.

In 2017, for example, the United States created over 100,000 new gig economy workers.

And according to a 2017 study by McKinsey & Company, the “Gig” industry employs almost 40% of the workforce.

This industry has been growing at an incredible rate and is expected to grow to about 150,000 jobs by 2020.

This means that the “mega-gigs,” which are those that are growing at rates of nearly 100,,000 a year, represent nearly a quarter of the US workforce.

The growth in gig workers and their work has been accompanied by a boom in the number of large corporations and individuals in the “big data” industry, which encompasses all of the technology and services that are provided to businesses and organizations.

For example, as companies and organizations are able to capture and store large amounts of data, it is now possible to provide that data to many other businesses and to many more people.

This data has become so important that it is being transformed from a service or an investment into something that is becoming increasingly important to companies and individuals.

This trend of big data is also driven by the growing demand for large amounts, or big data, as a way to identify and manage a wide variety of things.

For instance, businesses are increasingly relying on big data to manage their data, such as health records, financial data, and health insurance claims data.

Big data is a way for companies and businesses to access vast amounts of information and, consequently, to manage information and data in a way that is highly valuable to customers.

And it is a good thing because this data is critical to the health and wellbeing of the people and communities that are impacted by this information.

In many ways, the gig industry is the latest example of the rise of the data economy.

In addition to providing jobs and opportunities for workers in many industries, this industry has also created an environment in which companies are able create a virtual workforce, or a virtual company, by using the vast amounts and data that they can access through big data.

This virtual workforce is then able to offer services or products to their customers, such a product or service, in a manner that is more convenient and efficient than if they were a traditional employee.

While it is possible to create an environment where a large number of workers can work in the same office, or in the office, they are also creating a new type of work environment.

They’re creating an environment that allows them to collaborate, which creates an environment of openness and collaboration that is conducive to creativity and collaboration.