When America’s most productive cities are the most expensive to live in

A growing number of American cities are priced out of the high-paying jobs they once had.

The median income for those cities is $54,600 a year, according to a new report from the Urban Institute, compared to $45,600 in a median-income city such as Denver or New York.

“These are not places where people are working longer hours,” said Matt Wicks, director of the Urban-Brookings Tax Policy Center at the Urban Policy Institute, which released the report.

“They are places where they are working fewer hours.”

The study, titled Cities: The Cost of Living, analyzed how median income has changed over the past 20 years and compared it to the median income in nearby cities, which include Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington, D.C., and Chicago.

Cities with more people tend to have lower median incomes.

In fact, the median household income in New York City dropped from $70,000 in 1970 to $56,200 in 2016, according the report, while the median home price in Philadelphia fell from $150,000 to $96,000.

“The story is pretty simple,” Wicks said.

“It’s not a matter of the population but of the jobs available.”

The median household has increased more than 50 percent since 1970, from $24,000 for the average household to $51,600.

But those jobs aren’t all plentiful.

While there are now more than 2 million people working in manufacturing, the unemployment rate in the United States is still more than twice as high as it was in 1970.

And in a new survey of 3,000 workers, nearly two-thirds of respondents said they were struggling to make ends meet.

While the economy is improving and incomes have risen, many Americans are still struggling to afford a middle-class lifestyle.

The Urban Institute study looked at data from a wide range of U.S. cities over the last 25 years.

It found that median income rose for all three groups, and in particular for middle-income households.

The middle- and upper-income group in particular has seen their income stagnate or fall since the 1980s, and their median household incomes have stagnated or fallen.

In 2016, the middle- income group’s median income was $55,200.

The top quintile of the income distribution saw its median income rise from $86,600 to $120,600 between 2010 and 2016, while median income fell for the bottom quintile.

And those families that make the most are still falling behind.

“People who are working a lot are the ones that are getting pushed down,” Winks said.

According to the Urban institute, the top 5 percent of earners in the U.K. and the top 1 percent in the Netherlands have median incomes that are about half that of those in the bottom 5 percent in other European countries.

The highest income groups in America are making less than the middle class.

The study said that median incomes have declined for all Americans.

The report found that the top 10 percent of income earners in 2016 had an income of $3.8 million, while people in the middle quintile made just $2,000 a year.

For the bottom 90 percent, median incomes were $1,000 or less a year for a median household of three people.

The bottom quintiles, which includes people making less, earned less than their counterparts in the top one percent.

“This is a long-term trend,” Wickers said.

Wicks and Wicks noted that the income gains in the past few decades are mostly for people making more than the median.

The U.N. Economic Commission for Europe reported in March that the average income for middle and low-income families grew by nearly 2 percent a year in the 1980-2017 period, but it also noted that there were still more Americans who were making less money than those in higher income groups.

And even after that, the U,N.

report said that income inequality has increased over the years.

While most countries around the world are experiencing a drop in inequality, the United Kingdom has seen an increase.

And while the U.,N.

has said that the inequality is improving, the report found evidence of widening inequality, with the U.-19 cohort, which is comprised of the kids born in the 1970s, seeing a sharp increase.

According the report: “The rise in inequality in recent decades is evident not only in the UK but across the EU, and this may be related to the country’s decision to leave the European Union.”

The U.,NNEC said the increase in inequality may be due to a growing number in the lower classes, especially in the financial sector, the most vulnerable group.

“In the financial services sector, as more people moved to other countries, the need for low-wage workers to make a living, which they cannot afford in the countries where they live, has increased, the study said.

The gap between the rich and poor has widened.

The richest