Cruise line says ear piercing isn’t a violation

NEW YORK — A cruise line that says it doesn’t break the law when it comes to ear piercing has said the practice is not illegal.

Cruiseline USA spokeswoman Jennifer Epps said the company doesn’t condone the practice of ear piercings.

She said she has not been able to get a hold of any cruise ship workers to get the details of the incident and said she did not have the numbers.

But she said the incident is not an isolated incident.

Cruises like the one in question are regulated by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration.

It says a piercing must be made with a device that does not cause discomfort or discomfort that lasts for at least two hours.

Cruising companies have a contract with the TSA that gives them discretion over which piercets are allowed to be used on vessels.

But the TSA doesn’t regulate what is allowed and what isn’t.

Cruisestrings are considered a form of body piercing and are exempt from the federal law that prohibits people from having piercet ears.

The federal law also says a person cannot have pierceting ears for more than two hours without medical assistance.