Dow Industrial Average, Industrial Kitchen, Industrial Sewing Machine: The Top 3 Industries That Earned the Most in 2016

Industrial machinery is an integral part of the modern manufacturing process.

It includes the tools that make up a machine shop, and the equipment used to operate them.

The average wage for a skilled industrial machine operator is more than $65,000, according to a report by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

But, the vast majority of the industrial machine operators don’t earn much.

In fact, more than two-thirds of the people making these machines are either unemployed or in part-time work, according a 2016 study from the National Bureau of Economic Research.

The jobs of industrial machines are also increasingly being outsourced to countries like China, where wages are typically lower.

Here are the top three industrial sewing machines that earned the most money in 2016.1.

Dow Industrial Electrician, Dow Industrial average, Industrial electrician2.

Dow Chemical, Dow Chemical average, chemical industry3.

GE Healthcare, GE Healthcare average, healthcare industry1.

Intel, Intel average, manufacturing averageIndustrial sewing machines were also a major driver of the manufacturing industry in 2016, according the BLS.

The Dow Industrial Electrical, Industrial Electric, and Industrial Sewing Machines (EIEMs) made up nearly three-quarters of the $2.2 trillion in manufacturing in 2016 according to the Bureau.

These machines accounted for more than half of all industrial machine sales in 2016 and nearly half of manufacturing workers in the United States.

But because these machines aren’t as important in the manufacturing sector as other manufacturing processes, they don’t typically pay the same wages as manufacturing machinery.

For instance, the average wage of a manufacturing EIEM is $51,000.

Industrial sewing machines have also been a major contributor to the construction industry, where construction workers are paid much less than other workers.

In 2016, construction workers made up less than 3 percent of the U.S. construction workforce, according BLS data.2.

IBM, IBM average, computer and information technology, research and developmentIn 2016, IBM made $8.4 billion in revenue from its manufacturing businesses.

This includes the following companies:IBM Watson, Watson average, software and services3.

Cisco, Cisco average, cloud and infrastructureIBM has been the biggest beneficiary of the economic recovery.

The company earned $3.1 billion in revenues from its industrial manufacturing operations in 2016 thanks to the $5.3 billion that IBM earned from its research and technology businesses.

In addition, the company has been responsible for nearly 40 percent of all new technology jobs created since the end of the Great Recession.

This has also helped create a huge amount of jobs for people in the private sector, which is where the majority of jobs are located.IBM was one of the first companies to announce a new partnership with the U-Haul company in 2021, which saw the delivery of a new line of high-performance personal transportation.

This partnership saw the UHaul Corporation provide the delivery company with the IBM Watson computing platform, which IBM said is now used by U-haul drivers to monitor their own journey.

This program also helped IBM build its high-end cloud computing services business.IBP is one of several major technology companies that has been able to grow their operations by diversifying into other industries, such as health care.

The IBM Health Systems and Healthcare business, which provides medical data and patient records, has grown its sales from $13 billion in fiscal year 2019 to $21 billion in 2019, according U.K. trade magazine The Economist.3.

Intel Corporation, Intel, semiconductor, computers and information technologiesSource: Bloomberg Businessweek, U.N. data source: U.NSO/CITREX/Getty