The industry of hacksmiths is booming, says industry analyst

The hacktivist industry is booming thanks to the advent of new technology.

“The hacktivism movement has really exploded, which is a really good thing,” said Michael L. Cohen, chief executive officer of the cybersecurity consultancy firm FireEye.

The hackers who make their living by breaking into companies are using more sophisticated and more advanced technologies than ever before.

Cohen estimates that hackers make about $1 billion per year in the hacktivists business.

That figure includes fees and costs such as legal fees and advertising.

The hackers are not only breaking into corporate networks, but they are also breaking into government and corporate networks.

They have taken on an increasingly important role in a number of countries, according to FireEye research.

Hackers in the United States have been working with the Department of Homeland Security and the FBI for years.

For example, in 2015, an FBI agent and a hacker working for a foreign government broke into a federal government computer in the U.S. to learn about a major cybersecurity breach, according the New York Times.

Last year, a cybersecurity firm working for the CIA infiltrated a private email account of a senior Iranian diplomat.

Some of these hacks are connected to Russia, according Cohen.

We are seeing this growing interest in cyberattacks by cybercriminals from all over the world, he said.

It’s not surprising that the hacking community has grown rapidly.

“I think that the explosion of the hacker community has been driven by a lot of things,” Cohen said.

“They’re all seeking to take advantage of the new technology, and this is what has made the hacker movement so successful.”

There are some commonalities in hacking methods that may help explain the growth of the hacking business.

“It’s the same type of methods and the same tools, but it’s also very different from hacking a bank,” Cohen told CNNMoney.

“In banking, they might have an account, but in hacking an account it’s all about getting information.”

Hackers use computers to hack the computers of others in order to steal the data.

The hacker’s goal is to gain control over the computers, and in some cases, the entire network, Cohen said, explaining that a hacker could have a lot more access to a network than a bank employee.

The cyberattacks are also more sophisticated than they have ever been, according, in part, to the use of encryption software, which helps prevent the data being leaked.

The use of encrypted networks also makes it harder for hackers to track the activity.

There are also ways that hackers can get into the systems of companies that may be used to store customer information, according FireEye’s Cohen.

The hacking industry is a growing business, with more than 40,000 companies reporting sales of more than $300 billion last year.

The growth of hackers is also reflected in the use and distribution of ransomware, a cyberattack that can steal data from an infected computer and use it to take over other computers.

There have been several major ransomware attacks on major organizations, including the Sony Pictures hack in 2015.

A number of ransomware attacks have hit government and defense agencies, according in part to the FBI’s 2015 report on the industry.

The FBI’s report found that there were more than 7,000 ransomware attacks that were linked to at least one government agency or organization last year, up from about 1,300 the year before.

It also found that more than 30 percent of ransomware infections targeted government networks.