We are the industrial industrial decor industry: the future of modern homes

The industrial decor market is booming and growing at an exponential rate.

According to a new report from Accenture, there are now over 1.4 million industrial decor projects in existence, with a projected value of $1.4 billion by 2022.

And according to a report by Trulia, in 2016, there were approximately 1,000 industrial decor homes on the market.

And it’s no secret that many of the companies who are building industrial decor for homes and offices are also the ones creating industrial decor in other industries, too.

The industrial home decor industry is now worth $2.2 trillion.

As of 2016, the Industrial Design Association, an industry group representing the construction industry, estimates that the total value of all residential industrial decor is valued at $1 trillion.

And that’s just a portion of the total retail market.

It’s worth noting that while many of these industrial decor companies are large companies, many are also small and independent.

In fact, Accenture estimates that there are over 30 companies in the industrial decor space, with some being as small as five employees.

There are also other industries that are also contributing to the industrial home design industry.

The fashion and interior design industries have also grown exponentially in the last few years, and it’s expected that this growth will continue to accelerate in the coming years.

The new Accenture report notes that a large percentage of the residential decor market comes from businesses that are small, independent, or both.

And while these small companies are starting to make inroads into the industry, it’s not yet clear if this growth in the residential industrial decoration market is sustainable.

According a report from Trulia: The industrial decoration industry is currently the second largest segment of the U.S. retail industry, behind only the consumer packaged goods segment.

And despite the huge growth of the industrial industry, the number of residential residential residential decor projects and their retail sales remain far below the commercial market.

While the residential residential decoration market has been growing for years, the average residential industrial project has been under construction for just over a decade.

In the same report, Trulia notes that there has been a significant decrease in the number and growth of industrial projects in the U, in the face of the increasing demand from commercial and residential buyers.

Trulia predicts that by 2022, residential residential industrial projects will be valued at just $1 billion.

But if that trend continues, the residential decoration industry will be the fifth largest industry in the United States, with an estimated $5.4 trillion in annual revenue.

As for the industry as a whole, it is estimated that there will be over 1,500 commercial and industrial decor businesses in the country by 2022 and an estimated 2,700 commercial and office decor businesses.

In 2018, there will also be over 300,000 residential industrial design businesses.

According the Trulia report, the commercial decor industry has grown at an average annual rate of 10.8 percent per year since 2000.

The commercial decor space is expected to reach $2 trillion by 2022 with an average retail value of about $1,400 per square foot.

And in 2018, the industrial design industry was estimated to be worth $1 to $1 million per square feet of residential commercial decor.

Accenture also notes that while the residential commercial market is still growing, the amount of industrial decor work being done by small businesses and independent contractors is on the decline.

Trusted Retailers is the leader in the commercial home decor market, but it is expected that the industrial retail space will remain a relatively small part of the overall retail market over the next decade.

Accurately predicting the future is an incredibly difficult task, and we are going to have to wait until 2020 for that to happen.

What are some of the trends in the market that you think will impact the industrial and industrial design space?

One of the key trends that we see is a significant shift in the way that people are thinking about industrial decor.

There is a real shift in people’s priorities, and there is a shift in how they are seeing the world.

This is what we see with industrial design, but there is also a shift with residential industrial, too, where the residential market is becoming more of a global marketplace.

The trend in the industry has been towards a more global, collaborative approach.

In some ways, that’s also why so many of those industrial decor retailers are also industrial designers, and in that sense, it has been one of the big changes in industrial design that has come along with the globalisation of the retail space.

But there is still a lot of work to be done to see if that change will translate to a sustainable growth in retail.

In addition, the design and building of the home decor space has also changed dramatically in the past decade, with many architects and designers leaving the profession and taking a position in the private sector.

The shift to an industrial design approach has made a lot more room for designers to make their mark, but also, in some