How to avoid porn addiction in the hospitality industry

The Washington Post is reporting on the prevalence of porn addiction among the hospitality and hospitality-related industries in the United States.

The Post notes that the majority of respondents to a recent survey said they had seen or heard of some form of pornography in the past year, with 45 percent reporting that they had used it in the previous year.

The survey also found that a whopping 89 percent of respondents who had experienced pornography in their lives reported it to a coworker or friend.

The study found that the vast majority of workers were willing to use technology to curb their porn consumption.

Almost half said they have used their own smartphones, tablets, and laptops to block access to pornography on their personal devices, compared to 39 percent of those who did not.

Nearly three-quarters said they are willing to give up their own privacy, compared with nearly one-quarter who said they would not.

A quarter of those surveyed said they’ve used their smartphone to block the web from their device.

The study found an even higher prevalence of using pornography on social media sites: 70 percent of participants said they used social media to block porn, while just 24 percent said they use it to block sites.

More than half of the surveyed said their social media use has increased in the last year.

According to the study, the majority (65 percent) of employees said they did not experience any type of mental health issues related to pornography use.

However, more than one-third (37 percent) said they felt they had been exposed to inappropriate images or video of themselves.

The respondents reported a number of mental illnesses, including depression, anxiety, PTSD, substance abuse, post-traumatic stress disorder, postpartum depression, and bipolar disorder.

The majority of employees who had seen pornography said they viewed it online.

The survey also reported that nearly half of employees felt they were being targeted for discrimination because of their sex.

While 41 percent of employees reported being sexually harassed or sexually assaulted in the workplace, a higher percentage of employees (56 percent) felt they experienced physical or verbal harassment, while 13 percent reported being physically assaulted.

More employees (71 percent) also reported being verbally harassed, compared (62 percent) to workers who did the same.

While the prevalence is high among employees, the study also found a wide range of health issues that are experienced by workers.

One in five workers reported that they have had headaches, nosebleeds, stomach pains, and heartburn.

Nearly one in five reported feeling tired or tired when they work.

The prevalence of anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, and PTSD among workers was higher than that among workers who do not consume porn.

The full report can be found here.